OJHS Electives
- Computers
- Art
- Health
- Leadership
- Spanish
- Yearbook
- Band
- Choir
- Drama
- Guitar
- Project Lead the Way (Robotics)
- Drumline
The Project Lead the Way: Gateway to Technology Program is taught in conjunction with a rigorous academic curriculum. The hands-on project-based program is divided into six independent nine week units. Students envision, design and test their ideas with the same advanced modeling software used by companies like Lockeed Martin, Intel and Sprint. They study mechanical and computer control systems. Think robotics and animation. Students also explore the importance of energy, including innovative ways to reduce, conserve and produce it using solar, thermal and wind power. The knowledge that students gain and the skills they build from the Gateway To Technology Program create a strong foundation for further STEM learning, from nanotechnology to applied engineering.
Imagine a car that could morph its shape based on the driver’s whims. What if satellites had metal like skins that could repair themselves from damage in space? What if old high rise buildings could be turned into vertical farms to help fight world hunger? Picture a 3D cell-phone screen strapped to your wrist. How about turning pond scum into green fuel? Or rearranging the molecules of your blood to fight off deadly diseases? These and countless other life-changing innovations are taking shape in labs, in test tubes and on computer screens around the world. But they all have one thing in common. They all come from an engineer’s or scientist’s imagination.
Right now there’s a classroom at Oakdale Junior High where you, too can begin to dream up tomorrow’s wonders– a remarkable space of imagination, innovation, and learning that could only be called an Innovation Zone. See more at the OJHS PLTW Website!!